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7 Days, 7 Changes Energy-saving Campaign Launch

7 Days, 7 Changes Energy-saving Campaign Launch

January 2024

“7 Days, 7 Changes” Campaign Relaunches to Promote Energy Conservation Across Globeducate Schools

A global energy-saving mission in Globeducate schools in January 2023 had huge impact on student agency, with schools recording weekly energy savings and inspiring students to take an active interest in new renewable energy plans.

Led by Eco-Schools councils, the campaign re-launches with the start of the new year and is designed to help students develop healthy energy habits for the rest of their lives. Raising awareness of simple ways in which everyone in our school communities – both at school and at home – can help to conserve energy will have a lasting positive footprint. Underlying these activities is the Globeducate commitment to student-led action for a sustainable future.

From Pre-Schoolers remembering to turn off taps at the paint station or in the toilets, to older students being aware of unplugging laptops and phone chargers as well as taking shorter showers, our campaign aims to educate through a series of challenges.

At one Globeducate school, Nobel Algarve British International School Lagoa, a number of positive actions were taken to promote energy savings:

  • Programmable time switches for lights

  • Motion sensors in areas of non-continuous use

  • Designated team with responsibility to turn off unnecessary lighting, air conditioners and computers at end of each day

  • Walls and ceilings painted white to reflect natural light

  • Use of LED light bulbs

  • Computers programmed to switch to “turn off” at the end of each day

  • Encouraging teachers and students to put computers onto “sleep” mode when not using.

  • For equipment with batteries, such as laptops and mobile phones, avoid keeping them plugged in if batteries are fully charged

  • Installation of windows and doors with thermal break and double glazing, sahdes and blinds to avoid over-use of air conditioning units

  • Installation of taps and showers with flow reducers, and time flow faucets 

  • Installation of solar thermal systems and photovoltaic system


The “7 Days, 7 Changes” challenge splits the week into five weekdays and the weekend, showing how simple changes can conserve significant energy levels, and change behaviour in a positive and gradual way. Students are encouraged to: take shorter showers and turn taps off, unplug fully charged devices, switch off lights, dress warmly, switch games consoles and devices to energy-saving mode, enjoy time together as a family or with friends (instead of all sitting separately, using separate devices), and making the most of the outdoors and free energy by heading to the park, beach or mountains. 

Monica Fontán, Assistant Education Director for Globeducate, who leads the group´s Eco-Schools programme across our schools, said, “The 7 Days, 7 Changes” initiative is student-led but is a whole-school, whole-group responsibility for all of us to participate in as much as we can, whether we are at home or school, or travelling. We have already seen its impact and are excited to re-ignite it to reach new students and families who have joined this year.

“We have already witnessed a monumental change in the approach our school communities are taking to energy conservation as a result of last year´s campaign. Our schools already work with partners WWF and Eco-Schools and our students are already very active in a variety of sustainability projects.  Depending on the age of the student, our challenges take different shapes and styles, from simple changes in habits and taking part in quizzes, to Unplug days, games and competitions. 

“Our Eco-Councils have been encouraging their peers and teachers to address this issue and many are coming up with creative and fun ways to educate our communities. We know that our teachers, senior leaders and parents are fully supportive and keen to take part as well, and our students´ enthusiasm and actions have led to long-lasting positive change.”